Planning for Spring Joy

The end of summer is an unlikely time to be thinking about spring but a little bit of planning can bring springtime joys.

Fall is the time to get your spring bulbs ordered and installed. Don't be intimidated by the planting of them either. I like to dig a hole 6" deep, do a cluster of 10 or 12 bulbs in the hole, bury them and call it a day. The splashes of color in the spring make a statement. You can also plant them in neat rows or groupings if you are trying to cover a larger area.

Try to avoid planting them so far apart that they appear to be accidental. Make it intentional and go overboard. They have such a short life that you want them to get all the attention they deserve!


  • tulips

  • daffodils (deer proof)

  • iris

  • crocus

  • allium (deer proof)